Physichal therapy is a career releated with the life, and its movement. Too, this career is a science, a science about the movement (not just the humans) in this career you want know every step, and with every step you create the walk of the life, the walk of the humans, and the walk of every animal in this earth. But when you have so much doubts ("When you more learn something, more doubts you'll have"), you understand that the life don't exist just in the present, We, the Homo sapiens and the Homo neanderthalensis have understood the importance of the death in the future, because every death have a history, a hystory that reveal the growth this structures, this strange thing called "life". That idea is vital when you want understand a common pathology, in our chase, for understand the lumbago, beacause that say us that the evolution never stop and the problem could be the expression of a process, a biological process in this russian roulette, and that is an area that i want talk and work, the Phisical Therapy with an evolutive look, because our history could give us the tools for understand discomforts that neither the energy (Oriental culture) nor the medicaments (Occidental culture) could heal.
The tools in this Evolutive Physical Therapy (EPT)* are the know about the properties of the tissues, the biomechanical of them (on a hand) and the Physical Anthropology ( the another), using the science for bring to the present the past reading the signs made by the time. And with that hands working sinchronously can bring us this way of understand a lot of pathologies, and with the cause of the problem, we can create better treatments.
The Tissues can be studied by three ways (in general), one way is use an analysis of movement (just like muybridge)and create a virtual representation of that, giving you a knowledge about the space that use in the movement. Another way is study the reaction of the object, to the stress using (the most common forces) compressive force and tractions. And finally, simulate the movement for understand the pattern in the biomechanical of the tissue.
And the Physic, in the anthropology you can study thje biology with a lot of ways, using nuclear reactions for see the expressions of the could of electrons. The sicences releated with this are the ontogen, the somatology, the ecology, learning about the cultures or the habits and discovering pieces of the past.
That sciences is what I want use, for example you can understand tha high estomachal cancer in Chile, for the food that we have ate since a lot of years ago, so the treatment isn't give medicaments for the cancer, the treatment going to be abouit the foof and the habits. And the most common example is the lumbago, the lumbar ashes, and the cause of this is a evolution not adapted yet, because we are inside the evolution and we are working inside the problem, and the solutions wil come when the sacro have an ortograde position, decreassing the problems around the 4th and the 5th lumbar nerve. With this idea i think that we can create a way of work with the past and the future, for make a better future, not increassing the life, the idea is Increasse the quality of the life.
Using the technology for our quality of life, not against it, like ever.
*EPT doesn't exist, is a word created by me, but every area exist, the idea of the EPT is amalgamate it.
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2 years ago