Friday, 20 November 2009

A brief Essay, from a large way.

Physichal therapy is a career releated with the life, and its movement. Too, this career is a science, a science about the movement (not just the humans) in this career you want know every step, and with every step you create the walk of the life, the walk of the humans, and the walk of every animal in this earth. But when you have so much doubts ("When you more learn something, more doubts you'll have"), you understand that the life don't exist just in the present, We, the Homo sapiens and the Homo neanderthalensis have understood the importance of the death in the future, because every death have a history, a hystory that reveal the growth this structures, this strange thing called "life". That idea is vital when you want understand a common pathology, in our chase, for understand the lumbago, beacause that say us that the evolution never stop and the problem could be the expression of a process, a biological process in this russian roulette, and that is an area that i want talk and work, the Phisical Therapy with an evolutive look, because our history could give us the tools for understand discomforts that neither the energy (Oriental culture) nor the medicaments (Occidental culture) could heal.

The tools in this Evolutive Physical Therapy (EPT)* are the know about the properties of the tissues, the biomechanical of them (on a hand) and the Physical Anthropology ( the another), using the science for bring to the present the past reading the signs made by the time. And with that hands working sinchronously can bring us this way of understand a lot of pathologies, and with the cause of the problem, we can create better treatments.

The Tissues can be studied by three ways (in general), one way is use an analysis of movement (just like muybridge)and create a virtual representation of that, giving you a knowledge about the space that use in the movement. Another way is study the reaction of the object, to the stress using (the most common forces) compressive force and tractions. And finally, simulate the movement for understand the pattern in the biomechanical of the tissue.

And the Physic, in the anthropology you can study thje biology with a lot of ways, using nuclear reactions for see the expressions of the could of electrons. The sicences releated with this are the ontogen, the somatology, the ecology, learning about the cultures or the habits and discovering pieces of the past.

That sciences is what I want use, for example you can understand tha high estomachal cancer in Chile, for the food that we have ate since a lot of years ago, so the treatment isn't give medicaments for the cancer, the treatment going to be abouit the foof and the habits. And the most common example is the lumbago, the lumbar ashes, and the cause of this is a evolution not adapted yet, because we are inside the evolution and we are working inside the problem, and the solutions wil come when the sacro have an ortograde position, decreassing the problems around the 4th and the 5th lumbar nerve. With this idea i think that we can create a way of work with the past and the future, for make a better future, not increassing the life, the idea is Increasse the quality of the life.

Using the technology for our quality of life, not against it, like ever.

*EPT doesn't exist, is a word created by me, but every area exist, the idea of the EPT is amalgamate it.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Post # 11: Challenges in your discipline.

I think that in Chile we need to improve a lot of things to make better physical therapiests, not for be better than other countries, the important thing is improve the career, for improve the professionals and then, improve the health of this country.

On a Hand, in Chile exist a big problem about the salaries and the statal investment, the dirty money put us its feets on our heads, and that is a real reform that its necessary, not just in the Physical Therapy, in the statal hospitals. But in the exclusive area of Physical Therapy, i think that we need mor time for the treatment, time for follow the reparation of them problems, and have the oportunity of make a better work, decreassing the morbility in the muscleskeletical area. And that idea isn't so utopic, I think that more efficient professionals could make work more in the same time, work and make better the life of a lot of patients, but


Well, that's the challenge, improve the deducation of Physical therapiests, who learn since first year in them university the value of the career, and the importance that they'll have in the future, a future not so far... That is the principal reform to make in this country, the same idea ( like the last post) about make changes with a looking in the long-term, a vision that just a few
have in this country, the Capitalism is Capitalizingf us!
And work in theresearchs, Chile is very poor in the context of the Physical Therapiests's research, we need make better treatment, but we need national research for have a scientific foundation, that guarantee us and with taht, discover another things, maybe another pathology or change milenaries treatment for another more efficient.

On the other hand, we have to teach and teach once and once time again social values, like the altruism, or just improve the empathy in chilean's Physical therapiests, because they're going to work (maybe) with patients for years and years, and one time they could have rich patients, poor patients, homosexual patients, murder patients and they must help them, not for the rule of hypocrates, because they're person, a person who made mistakes (muerder) and you don't know how could be him later, maybe he can help your life, and because and that is their life, you aren't a judge who choose who must be good or bad, you're a man or a woman who learn something calls Physical therapy, and that value must be so much higher for have a better treatment.

And Finally ( because i don't have more hands), I think that we can improve the chilean medicine, this occidental medicine mixing the oriental medicine, a medicine more holistic, which work with pathologies and with people, a perfect complement, which could work very good in american countries (at last).

Ok, see you later!


Friday, 6 November 2009

Post # 10: Improving your faculty

This faculty?
It's a great place, a big building with a lot of historic importance, for its students, its professors, and all the voices listened and researchs made in this places, this university have an amazing intelectual world, but we need more places for make real that dreams, avant-gard laboratories for avan-gard researchs, and better places for study the health, we have a lot of clinic campus but not all are the best pl.aces for our patients, better machines, better technologies from client service to technical workshop in this faculty. On the other hand, this faculty needs a harder work on our personal and ethics values, i know that we have the vocation, but that's isn't enough, we must work it for make better health professionals, and more critical person ( value that in this society isn't so important).

I think so that if we start improving the places of the faculty, increassing the numbers of the classrooms ( the learning isn't only with class, is doing parallel activities, like seminaries, activities, questioning sessions or just more practical hours, with a lot a mental work, i think that working in the building, we give the possibility to the students and professors, improving the learning, and that going to give us better health professionals, who going to work in a lot of places, improving the quality of the medical institutions, hospitals and clinics, that could give us more money for the work in the classrooms ( it's important, not forget that we are a statal university, and the state give us money, money that we have use eficiently, for keep our quality and make changes improving and never decreassing a side for make better other side), and making that places, we'll have better students, better health professionals, better places to work it, and then we can improve the clinical campus with our money and our knowledge.

The impacts of our improving process, of course is the health of chilean population, making a health efficient, of high quality, fats, more human, with less mortality, and above all, making better the quality of the everypatient of Chile at last, and well, a good health, give you more chances for have a better life.

Friday, 30 October 2009

Post # 9: Hobbies

For start:

If we talk about my hobbies, I think that we must talk about my life, because my hobbies have been created for every moment that I had, for example, the music is for me a hobby, a hobby that exist since I was a kid, when I wanted be a rock star, or now, a moment for reflect about my internal world.Another example is the people, talk with people.. in my chase, I remember my infancy so much superficial than these days, and that egocentric style of know people bored me, A LOT, and that was the reason that "make the change" , later decress the ego and increase the others opinion, talk with people, friend at last, and now, talk with everyone.

Now, my hobbies.
Well, my hobbies are Listen music, tal with people (about everything, I prefer that the other person start the ideas, is better listen that talk sometimes) and another big hobby is learn things, learn things about everything, isn't necessary that I learn something useful, the important is learn something unknown.

I can start the learning every moment of my life, with every conversation and everyone, that's the reason for what I never feel bored, I'm ever doing my hobbies, except, listen music, that hobby is something... bigger, that's so much important for me, like the religion for others.. the same thing.

I need everyday feel things with music, change my world or my thoughts with the vibrations that give me the music, feel the body, the emotions of the song of the words are something spectacular, I have read that when you stimulate your Central Nervous System with music, you can feel orgasms, intelectual orgasms, that feelings aren't like the sexual orgasm, are feelings of elevation and maxim concentration , and the better of this is that you DON'T NEED drougs for feel that, just learn listen the music!, you don't need drougs for have peace in your mind.

These hobbies have gave me sensibility, for listen music and listen people, and that's is something irrepleacable, gave me so much, and now that hobbies are part of my life, maybe, they are like eat or drink water, and the best is that you can do it alone or with friends ( for example in a concert), this hobbies don't let you away of the society, are something totally sociable.

When? Well, now i can't doing that every day, but i try, maybe because are totally necessary and maybe because that hobbies give me so much energy, i can forget problems with music!

so, bye bye and take care
(that's for someone who read this.. but i don't think so xD)

Friday, 23 October 2009

Post#8: Holidays destinations

About the summer?

I don't know where I'll go this summer, i prefer the spountaneous way, I mean, just if exist the possibility of go out from santiago I'll take it. My idea is just take a rest of the university for any days, I think that is necessary for take reload the energy for perform well in this rutine, escape from the monotony.

If I remember about the places that I have visited, I remember La serena and Coquimbo, nice places for rest and share a lot of things walking on or just sitting with the sea in front, but when I went there I was a kid, I don't rest!,
I played and run all around the place.. I enjoyed a lot the beach, the sea, the air, that special place. And after a lot of days, i was away, I was to the south of Chile, and that was a very strange journey, because I went there when I was five years old, that summer was something like see again the past, remember a lot of things when i wente there, and learn a lot of another thing, about Chile and its places, places for dream.

Ahh!, and Brasil, in my study trip, a great moment when I knew a lot of things, another culture so much relax and maybe happier, they feel the day.. and maybe that's is the best souvenir from that country, a little of their style of life, that's was an important thing that I brought from
that place.

Now, I want go to a country, with more historical value, I think that this is thge moment when I must learn about the history of the people, know people that talk to me about hystories that no one else knows, that particular treasure is my objective for this summer, eternal nights with something for the stomach and a lot of things for the brain.
And thinking in that objective, I think in two possibilities:

- The first possibility is a trip to the north of Chile, and there find that people, find conversations with peoples more relax than me, because with the sea, that wind and thye sand, you can't have excuses for be under stress, you can take a rest walking with music in the beach or make a party in thje beach ( or at last, the first hours of the party)...

- The other option, is stay in santiago, and enjoy all the things that you can't enjoy in the year, maybe enjoy friends, enjoy time with the family or work in something more relax.
I don't like lose time doing nothing, i like learn things, study something that I don't know, things like that, and maybe this summer i won't go to anywhere, any physical place, but reading you can travel even the mind of people, and that is the reason that i enjoy santiago, have that power, the people and their histories.

Friday, 16 October 2009

Post # 7: summary of a career-related article from "The Guardian"

"Neck pain,
What treatments work? "
BMJ Group, Wednesday 14 October 2009 00.00 BST

This article is about "the Neck pain". It's a regular pain, and often it gets better for a couple of days... but the history never is so simple, when the pain stays or gets worse, you must do something about it. In that case, you could take a lot of options:

A) The better option, is get an hour with a physical therapy, or a chiropractor and put ice in that zone.
The treatment with an especialist will improve your problem because them going to work with the cause of the problem, how?:

1) Mobilisation: With the manipulation of the segment or with sharp thrusts, reducing the problem and decreasing the pain. For example, exist the "Mackensi's treatment" (a mobilisation JUST done by a specially qualified physical therapiest). First, the PT looks at your neck and feels it in different positions and later he give you exercises to do according your problems, still you can do that exercises by yourself. Too,exist evidence about hands-on treatments (mobilisation and manipulation), it says that reduce neck pain more than less active physical treatments, such as using hot or cold packs.
There are a few studies, and most have found these treatments work about the same However, one small study found that physiotherapy with thrusts was slightly better in the short term than gentler manipulation.The thrusts were applied to the middle part of the spine, not the neck. They were done by pulling on the patient's arms to create leverage.

2)Manipulation (often done by a chiropractor)

The chiropractors use movements-based treatments for neck pain, and there are some similarities between the manipulation and the mobilisation. This manipulation is about the use of short and sharp movements to push a joint slightly further than it would usually move ( this is the famous "cracking sound"). But exist a risk of more serious complications, for the treatment. This can happen if an artery taking blood to the brain gets trapped ( vertebral artery), that produces headashes (not so bad), but a study says that up to 3 in every million people who have manipulation have a stroke afterwards. And anotherstudy says that up to 1 person in a million may get a slipped disc (A slipped disc happens when one of the shock-absorbing discs in your spine gets damaged and presses on a nerve).

Theres exist a lot of stuides that have found these treatments work about the same and one... and other small studies found that physiotherapy with thrusts was slightly better in the short term than gentler manipulation.


You can take a routine of exercises por make stronger the muscleskeletal structure.
Strengthening exercises may help long-term neck pain, stuides says that the cronic pain improve with this treatment. And this exercises are in home and in your houses, and the idea is make stronger the treatment with the help of medicament and a specialist.

Too,Combining an exercise programme to strengthen your neck with manipulation by a physical therapiest can help long-term pain, a study says that of 94 people, physiotherapy and exercise helped 6 in 10 people get rid of their neck pain and only 3 in 10 people got better with exercise and general advice.

c) Take any medicament for improve the pain.

1) Painkillers:
Exist mild painkillers such the paracetmalo, that can help you to stay more relax.
2) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs):
Such as ibuprofen, can help pain and reduce the inflammation of sore tissue, very specifi, but it could give you side effects, like as stomach pains, diarrhoea, skin rashes, headaches, and dizziness.
3) Stronger painkillers:
Only if the problem is several, your specialist may recommend a more powerful painkiller, such as codeine. But a side effect side effect cause nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and constipation.
4) Muscle relaxants:
These drugs relax your muscles and also make you calm and sleepy( Such benzodiazepines, such as diazepam) . Too, Muscle relaxants are sometimes used for people in severe pain from muscle spasms, but they are used for only a short amount of time. But you must be careful, because is possible to become depend on these drugs if you take them for too long, this means you have withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking them.

Exist another treatments, but this are the main treatments, for see mor, visit:

Sunday, 11 October 2009

A sporting life

A sporting life is like an utopian idea, because in the modern life, make sport is lose oney woring, at last for the people who work, because the "big boss" can make a lot of things using the money of his employees. I think that sporting life is a great life style, a style that i'm trying get, but the studies hamper it, i know that that style can bring me a lot of profits, like obtain a better cardiovasculas system (more efficent), burn the adiposse tissue that never is good for the own health, or for enjoy a while making a sport with any friend.

If we look higher, we can undesrtand the rol of the sport in the society, because if a society don't make sport suitable for the quanty of calories you eat, you start a cicle that never endes, a cicle that every day will making your body a scourer, because that adipose tissue will turn you in a obese, and that will brign problems in the knees, with the heart, with have a normal life, losing your quality of life. And for that you must motivate to the childrens to make sports, because they'll learn that style of life, and that knowledge won't be forgotten. You must teache them that the sport could be fun if they do it with friends, or make that they run or just play, without the idea of "make sport".. but in old people, that's is more difficult, because they don't want do sport for their illness, they prefer walk or just stay in their home, is easier and less dangerous... and that is other problem, because kids or old people in la pintana can't make sport in the street, or just walk, for the fault of a lot of drug delear can make a war in the street for their drugs.

Finally I want talk about the future, because i think that in the future, the numbers of obeses will increase in a amazing way, for the fault of the technology, wich make us machines who forget that exist trees, seas... a life out of the T.V and the PC.
